Before You Entertain the Past

Consider the positive in the now

William Vincent Carleton
3 min readJan 24, 2022
Photo by Shantanu Kulkarni on Unsplash

Katie Jgln, you’ve inspired me. Let’s talk about the past in form of public service announcement, written with haste in the now.

I am sure men wish not be reminded of their heinous errors and crimes, continuously on repeat

Whether men deserve flak, or not, there is a fundamental piece missing here:

Like attracts like

I ask everyone — do you want life to be good? Want to feel safe? Want to have everything work out perfectly? Want to be healthy? Want well-being, peace and prosperity? Do you want this for everyone else, too? I do.

That’s why I think love, breathe love, repeat love, feel love, affirm love, make mistakes with love, all day, all night, all the time, until love starts embedding itself in all I do. And before you say good for you, just know, I’m working on it. I’m far from perfect, when it comes to loving and serving others. And it is this awareness that pushes me to create. I’d argue this approach is better than lambasting the opposite sex.

Love leads to a better net result

It may not pay the bills at first, demonstrating love, but it makes a difference in the way people feel over the long run. Let me be the one that shoves my head in the sand. For I am aware of statistics not being mentioned.

Let’s talk homicide statistics in North America, and let’s move on

70% of homicides are men responsible for killing men. 15% of homicides are men and women killing one another. The last 15% are men and women that kill children. The worst scum of all. Anyway, the statistics show an analysis of variance by about 5% depending on the news outlet you scour. The reason why I share these statistics is to show where the focus is:

A woman’s life is more valuable than a man’s.

Men are glorified cannon fodder. Everyone knows it, and the majority of the world is fine with this. In fact, this is considered glorious:

Show me a situation in the past where this would be seen as acceptable and glorified if it were to happen to the opposite sex. These men are tortured and killed in horrendous ways. Screaming for their mothers. At times so much is blown from their bodies that they shall not be properly identified.

Women have a world of responsibility on their shoulders right now

You can point a finger and have a man crucified. That’s power. What shall you do with it? Exercise it? Exploit it? Make money from it? Strip away the right to a man’s due process, for the sake of exercising absolute, totalitarian power?

Let’s learn from the past now. This is the formula that was embraced by men in the 1950s. It’s now being rebooted. It’s an old male archetype of power and it has to do with domination over the external world. Its byproduct leads to diaspora of entire populations. People check out. Does that seem like a win? Like I said, women have a lot of responsibility in their hands right now.

A simple request

I humbly ask that we, as humans, refrain from focusing on the negative elements of life, whether it be in the form of complaining about, or reliving the past for the sake of projecting blame, and culpability toward others. Consider replacing these rants with ways we can better care for one another. All people. Everyone included.

The reason for my plea, is that some men actually are docile. Who have never committed a crime. They are hearing things being said about their character that are wrong, and concerning enough to speak up about it. Men are thrown into categories that do not apply. And some are eager to engage in conversation, be received with love, to present solutions to difficult issues that involve the past.

I’m not asking to erase the past

I’m saying — let’s approach the past in a productive way. Which is to say — what good can be taken from the past that can help others avoid a similar situation in the future? This is a good way to approach the past. As it prevents suffering in the present moment by offering love and forgiveness to the past. It heals everyone involved.

