The Mark of The Beast is All Over, Medium.

Christine Stevens appears to have been involved. Possibly David Perlmutter. Not to worry, fearless exorcist W.V.Carleton is on the beat.

William Vincent Carleton
6 min readFeb 18, 2022

Okay, I only saw it once, but still it’s still worth reporting…

I made the photo blurry so that the Devil’s curse is rendered ineffective. Look at those claps. How sinister. Photo by author — though it’s the Devil’s work, I tell ye.

I’ve been trying to get this out of my head all morning. And by all morning, I mean the last five minutes.

We see it all here. Gene Simmons with his Mahakala tongue and all.

Look at the following photos. Courtesy of “Page Six” publications. Can’t make this Satanic stuff up.

There is no secret there is devil worship everywhere. We must introduce the power of God and subdue these heathens through prayer before another variant pops up out of nowhere.

See! It just happened again!

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

I think I’ll start a prayer group. Bring in the real vulnerable ones. Help them reclaim their souls. Wait a minute?! I just realized I am one of them. I am a sinner! I must repent — for I am the one who brought this to your attention. I am so sorry!

“Don’t be sorry. The number six is associated with Venus. Venus is associated with Love.”


“Yes, really.” The Devil said.

“And by putting the number 6 on a repeater, Love gets shared faster. The issue with this, is that the spell works on just about anything. So whatever humanity puts out there will permeate… most likely. There is some randomness to it at times. So it’s not like the spell is so bad, as much as it’s, you know, powerful.”

“That explains why it is used in film so much.”

“Not many know that fact.”

“Well now they do.”

“And now they’ll be looking for it.”

“They’ll be looking for examples.”

Sourced from YouTube. By no means do the opinions depicted reflect those of the author.

“From now on I’ll be staying out of your creepy old man way.” The Devil said.

“You’re no fun anymore.”

“I don’t think you should be posting things like that.” The Devil said. “People are canceling everything nowadays. I can’t even be what I am paid to be.”

“You get paid? Really?”

“It used to be awesome.” The Devil said. “People really feared me after I messed with things. But people have seen everything now. There’s apparently nothing left to fear. It’s like, fear has been saturated.”

“What does this mean about the mark of the beast, then?”

“It’s complicated. Think about it. If everyone for the most part is associating 666 as bad —yet if you separate 6 into three parts, the number 6 is associated with good — it’s confusing. So you should ask yourself — what does that mean for love?”

Photo by Taras Chernus on Unsplash

“It cancels it.” I said.

“Right. And after the cancelation, who will the world blame? And I mean the good, the bad, and the ugly all blame the same entity.”

“They all blame the Devil.”

“That’s right.” The Devil said. “You know where my name comes from? I told your readers yesterday when you were in your far away trance. I told them that my name is an anagram, and it comes from the Garden of Eden.”

“I did not know that.”

“It spins from an old spell, that comes from a broken haiku, it goes something like this — What once was lead, now is gold. Say it once, and forever betold. I once had it right, years ago. I’ve since lost the haiku. The message is all the same. This is a transmutation. Right now I’m on my way out. I shall return to light. My light burns softly now. It’s been a long time. I served the best I could. Many hated me. Some learned. Some accepted me as part of them. Others did without caring for others. So very few, ever listened. The ones that did I never bothered once. I was told I’d be welcome if their gates remained protected. A simple enough arrangement I have with most of the rich. I see your face and you look surprised — did you know that most of the rich are in fact quite good, generous people? Did you know that many of the rich came from nothing? The rich in majority have suffered tremendously, and they continue to suffer from the endless statements directed toward them for having when others have not. Whose choice is it, when all choices are made available by God?”

“Are you asking me?”

“You’re a successful man. I wish to know your opinion. If you had a table full of all options, which would you choose? Misery, or happiness? If you knew I would stay out of the fucking way? Would you egg me on? Would you tell me that I know nothing? Would you shatter your mirror over and over again? Would you scream and shout and throw things and make a scene? I told you from the beginning the only rule was you get what you give. Look at what you are giving. I offered you everything. Without a contract. But you wanted me to see how much I was actually offering you, so you made me watch each and every hardship you went through in your life, signing a contract with you, just so you could prove the Devil is real.

Page and illustration by author.

I never gave up on you. For 42 years. Speak of the number 6. It’s right there in plain view and it’s a very important number. I was about to give up on you all together. But you came around and started taking responsibility for all this shit. How ironic. Just as I’m checking out of here, we finally have the opportunity to have a good time together. And by that, I mean be at peace in the same ballpark. We knew we’d have peace by going our separate ways and now we realize we could have done things better, and it’s bittersweet. I get it. I know now. I know.”

“I feel I have just come in here and ruined your article.”

“I don’t even remember what we were talking about anymore.”

“Who knows? Was it exploring female genitalia?”

Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

“Maybe. I suppose.”

“We should just leave it at that, then.”

“Yeah just know if you use the number six for good, and the love contained therein, your life will be golden. Otherwise it’s bound to be a challenging life. And take it easy on the sarcasm and allegory.”

In Summary

I know that Christine Stevens is secretly starting a sex cult and it may involve David Perlmutter as an occult highlighter — after investigating the evidence in question involving the number six. I found it, three times in a row, and delivered the proof.

Have a nice day.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

