The Ace of Lovelace

Is story in motion.

William Vincent Carleton
6 min readFeb 27, 2022
Ace of Lovelace. Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70mm x 120mm). Original illustration by author.

This art teaches you the joy of healing

We start with the Aces. The aces represent the beginning.

Mirror Healing is Hard Work

Any face you see on here will generate a feeling. Repeat the mantra in your mind: “I AM LOVE, I AM” the entire time, before moving on to observe another section.

Some sections will seem blurry. Others will be clear as day. You will say you can’t believe you didn’t see that face before. This has to do with your current state of being. It’s a reminder that we are constantly changing, and as you change, so shall the painting.

Come back the next day and you’ll see the faces have changed.

The reason why the painting changes has nothing to do with technique or mathematics, it is a pure leap of faith on my part. It will play with you because it was done in the light of love. It’s the only way this works. The canvas is too small to mistake it as anything else.

I wish to demonstrate how I illustrate live for anyone who wishes to see. I can complete one of these 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm) illustrations in about 2–4 hours. It requires complete and total concentration, mainly because I am very new to this. Over time I will become more comfortable with the process, just as I have with the typewriter.

I believe those who are interested in how the brain works may benefit from running some tests on my brain activity. The more I work with this art, the more I am noticing shapes and patterns in the environment that I hadn’t noticed before. I am more aware when I listen to others as well. Things are changing. My thoughts are well organized and I’m focused on loving and serving others. Very focused on creation. Writing and illustrating all the time.

I want to teach others how to do this. I think it will be of great interest to videogame developers and those interested in quantum computing. Those interested in A.I.

Now look here:

Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.

As you turn the image, you will see the landscape changes along with it. Faces appear. I discovered this by accident at first, as the Tarot cards need to have a story told while inverse as well as upright. But not only that — the entire 360-degree landscape adjusts and changes in conjunction with the rest.

I started noticing a few patterns like this and flushed them out. The more I did this, the more the illustration when upright started to reveal things when I returned. As above, so below. And this has been the case the entire time. It’s as if I am playing with an active canvas that is alive, because it is like playing with miniatures. The canvas is so small.

I believe this exchange I am having when I illustrate is with God.

The technique is simple once you get out of the way.

How to Illustrate Your Own Art Like This

You’ll need Blackwing pencils. They are a game changer. Then get some Southworth Ivory Linen paper. It’s woven paper, to where you can see the grid on it. It’s hard to draw on at first, but then you get used to it. Once you build up enough finesse through practice, faces will start appearing. Follow the grid, and just move your hand along and feel free to explore the canvas. Just go for it.

Faces will probably show up the first time you try. Beginner’s luck comes to those who are willing to take a leap of faith. I find this to be true every time when it comes to this artform.

Quantum Art

That’s what this is. I feel I’m communicating with another dimension, something that is interacting with me, or else it would not present itself as complete, so quickly, where everything is connected. No matter how you look at it. You return and new faces appear where the old ones were.

How You Can Heal From This Art

The more you repeat the mantra I AM LOVE, I AM with the faces you see, the more you fill the space between yourself and the artwork with an active buffer of love. Love is truth. Love is faith. The illustration will respond in turn. The same will happen in life with those you interact with.

As the faces and environments change, so does your day. Journal about it. You can do that just by observing these illustrations. Or you can make your own. Be happy creating. And if you decide to, please share an article or your work with your link in the comments. Thank you.

(The images in this article include scans of the author’s typewritten pages and illustrations. Archived by date and page number in the top-left. Illustrations, when presented, are drawn using Blackwing pencils. All photos, unless indicated, are by the author. All typewriting gets printed on Southworth archive quality paper using a Smith-Corona Silent-Super typewriter from the 1950s. The paper is low-acid, watermarked, and date coded for authentication purposes.)

Today’s pages are dedicated to Cardano Foundation.

Tarot Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.
Tarot Today. By author.
By author
Cloud coming through in the clutch with the blessing of the cards. By author.
By author.
And the Bout From. Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.
By author.
Boss Battle. Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.
By author.
Thank you, Cloud. By author.
By author.
Find Many Leap Of. Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.
By author.
The Faces That Change to Support You. Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.
By author.
Crucified. Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.
By author.
Charlie lounging. By author.
By author.
The Prestige. Medium: Blackwing 602 pencil on Southworth Ivory Linen. Canvas size: 2.75" x 4.75" (70 mm x 120 mm). Original illustration by author.
Print Size Comparison. By author.
Inverse Close Up. By author.
Left Profile with print comparison. By author.
Upright with print for scale comparison. By author.

