#4 — Know-Here.

William Vincent Carleton
1 min readSep 23, 2021

Some call it nowhere. That is wrong. As wrong as thought can be. Can thought be wrong, if it connects us with the divine source? Perhaps if thought brings pain, we may think our thoughts to be wrong?

If I have a limit in my mind, a limit presents itself. Such a place, is where I reside, right now. Does it have a name? No. For the moment I decide such a place has a name, it starts to accumulate restrictions. Borders. Labels. Judgements. This land is not a land as much as it is a space. Vast, expansive, ever changing. Careful not to define it any further, for that will take time to fix.

Vast. Open. Free. Unrestricted. Never told where to go, or what to do. I know this place by how it speaks to me — ‘What’s mine is yours, and what’s yours is yours.’

The following offering is part of a 30-day, 150 word Medium Writing Challenge created and offered by Oren Cohen. I encourage you to take part.

